OSA in children is first noticed by parents when they notice that their child seems to stop breathing whilst asleep. This is then followed by a gasp of air and breathing resumes. OSA is either mild, moderate or severe. Regardless of the severity of OSA in children treatment for this condition is strongly recommended as it is indicative of your child not receiving enough oxygen whilst asleep. It is also helpful if you bring a video of your child sleeping when you come and visit us. Treatment varies between patients however the majority of patients with OSA have an adenotonsillectomy.
Snoring in children every night is abnormal. Snoring intermittently or when your child has a cold is normal. If your child snores every night then it is a sign that they may not be getting enough oxygen during their sleep. It is helpful if you can also bring a video of your child snoring.
Tonsillitis can cause significant problems associated with your child being unwell and having a poor oral intake. This condition can also lead to your child missing a significant amount of school. Once a child has had a significant number of episodes of tonsillitis or alternatively missed too much school then it is an option to consider having a tonsillectomy.
Acute otitis media [AOM] is an infection of the middle ear. The most common symptom from this condition is pain. Children may have difficulty sleeping due to this pain and be more irritable. Often children will pull at their ears during these episodes and a reduction in hearing may be noticed. If these episodes are recurrent then your child may need to have grommets inserted.
Otitis media with effusion [OME] is fluid within the middle ear which has been present for several months. This condition is usually noticed when a child has trouble hearing. If the condition doesn’t respond to medical therapy then they may need grommets inserted.
Nasal obstruction in children can present in a variety of ways varying from having an excessively runny nose through to trouble sleeping. The cause of nasal obstruction varies with the age of the child as well as the symptoms.
Hearing loss in children has many potential causes. The first steps in the management of hearing loss is to try and establish the cause whilst ensuring that your child has normal speech and language development.
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